5 Reasons YOU Should Be An
ISHP Member
- 1 - Active representation before the California Legislature and the State Board of Pharmacy
Tracking of legislation that impacts the practice of pharmacy
- 2 - Continuing Pharmacy Education
Discounted Seminar Registration Fees
Wide variety of education choices that serves the interest of most practice specialties
Up to six-hours of free CPE in CJHP each year
Free online CPE through Health System CE
- 3 - Peer Contact and Networking
Membership in one of 25 Regional and Student Chapters at no additional charge
CSHP events throughout the state to keep you connected
Many leadership and volunteer opportunities
- 4 - Communications and Pulications
The California Journal of Health-System Pharmacy (CJHP) free with your membership
InforSource (E-Newsletter)
- 5 - CSHP’s Cost-Savings Benefits
CSHP’s online bookstore offers members-only pricing
Universal Studios Fan Club discount
San Diego Zoo and Wild Animal Park discounts
Professional Liability Insurance and Discounted Long Term Care and Disability Insurance through Pharmacist Mutual Insurance
As a member of CSHP, you’re entitled to even more!​
Unique opportunities for networking, career growth and continuing educaiton
Network with over 4,000 member professionals in California
Receive the latest health-system news via e-mail with Society news and latest pharmacy headlines
Gain access to important information from the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP)
CSHP web pages focused on your interests
Customized educational programming, reviews and posters at CSHP’s Seminar
Opportunities to vote, volunteer and hold leadership roles in the Society
CSHP and its paid legislative advocate speaking for you in the state legislature
Participate in advocacy – shape important local and national policies at a grassroots level
Opportunities to participate in policy and planning
Access to the best pharmacy jobs in California through Employment Opportunities